Saturday, March 6, 2010

"Why's Mom still in the hospital?"

How do you explain to a child what the whole hospital scene is all about? It's such a fine line because I want to make sure that my girls are not fearful and dreadful of illness and death (like I was and still am...) but I also don't want to freak them out with anything going on in a hospital.

The difference between my two girls is crazy amazing. Molly is nervous. When we went to visit my mom last night, the first time they have seen her in the hospital, Molly was biting her nails, chewing on her hair and trying to talk about anything besides mom being in the hospital. She wouldn't go near mom. After awhile, she warmed up. And today, she was fine. Her little nature was amazing....she insisted that we go to the gift shop and get something for mom that would comfort her. She found a Hello Kitty that "mom could cuddle with". Of course, I stood in the gift shop crying because while nervous, her little heart bubbles over with love and caring and she instantly wants to make sure that everyone is take care of.

Katie, on the other hand...she's all up in mom's face. "Mom - what's this?" "Mom - where is this going?" "Mom - what is that in your nose?" When I showed her mom's catheter bag, she laughed. She was so, so comfortable. And she just wanted to ask a MILLION questions. It was a comfort to Molly to see Katie so relaxed, and I think that, in turn, helped Molly relax.

My girls.......all they want to know right now is why "Mom is still in the hospital." We want to know that too. So does mom. She's not a good patient. I suppose a retired nurse is a working nurse's worst nightmare. We're hoping for steady progress and a good outcome.